A Fresh Interpretation

Scratch and Sniff Proust dives into the 20th Century masterpiece of Marcel Proust - using scent engagement and scientific discussion to illustrate the neural connection between scent and memory.

about the book


Meet Dr. Virginia Barry, the Author of Scratch and Sniff Proust; an interactive take on the neuroscience of smell and Marcel Proust’s work.


Memory of Smell

We come into the world equipped with several sensory systems. Here we consider how smell is different from all the other senses.


On Consciousness

Explore the different types of consciousness and unconsciousness that drive our thinking and influence the way we see the world.


On Olfaction

Learn how evolution has determined the neuroanatomy of our sense of smell. Smell is our oldest sense; perhaps our most refined sense.


On Emotion

Emotions contribute to who we are and help guide us in telling us how we feel about things. Proust strived to regain feelings lost over time.


On Memory

Memory helps us learn, grow, and plan for the future, but here we explore the kind of memory where emotion resides.


Embodied Cognition

We measure the world as it relates to our bodies. Here here we dive into the origin and meaning of certain expressions and gestures that arise from embodied cognition.


On Dreams

Dreams allow the unconscious to do its work using parallel processing instead of the linear processing that we use in our conscious minds. Here we look into the dream work that happens while we sleep.


On Psychoanalysis

Often smells will lead us to important memories that give insight into the long forgotten past and allow us to reclaim aspects of ourselves so that we can live authentically and in line with our true selves.


About the Author

About The Author

About the Artist

Neuroscience of Smell

Olfaction, the process of smelling the scents in our world, can transport us to other times in our lives through the long-lasting associations we have to odors, fragrances and smells.

Neuroscience of Smell

The ability to smell – to detect chemical gradients in the environment – is present in organisms with limited or no nervous systems such as even the lowly yeast cell. This rudimentary system of sensing the world has been elaborated throughout evolution and supports how our noses work today.

Neuroscience of Smell

Because smell detection is so vital to our survival, the smell system is paradoxically our most “primitive” and our most evolved sensory system. The linkages the neuronal pathways from the nose to the brain help us understand the emotional power of smell.